Give Yourself Permission

PermissionGive yourself permission to try.

Give yourself permission to fail.

Give yourself permission to try again.

Give yourself permission to succeed.

Give yourself permission to look like a fool.

Give yourself permission to not have to be special.

Give yourself permission to write. Even if you’re not a writer.

Give yourself permission to make some art. Even if you’re not an artist.

Give yourself permission to cook something. Even if you don’t know how.

Give yourself permission to be more social.

Give yourself permission to be alone with our own thoughts.

Give yourself permission to create something ordinary and lacking any unique quality.

Give yourself permission to create something extraordinary that’s unique because it’s from your voice and through your lens on the world.

Give yourself permission to exercise.

Give yourself permission to lead.

Give yourself permission to follow for once.

Give yourself permission to learn.

Give yourself permission to grow and find out who God made you to be.

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